- Your registration is valid for 3 years and another 3 months as grace period, after which it needs to be renewed.
- You can Register your Name in only One Exchange (Employment Office) where you normally reside.
- Please note the exchange appropriate to your district and qualification.
- You are requested to print / note down the provisional registration number obtained through web registration and to produce it at the time of permanent registration.
- Registration through the web site shall be provisional. To confirm your provisional registration, you have to approach the concerned employment exchange with original certificates and other relevant documents for verification after four working days but within 30 days from the date of provisional registration, failing which the registration shall automatically stand cancelled.
- On verification of original certificates and other relevant documents by the Delhi Employment Exchange Centres, you will receive the final and confirmed registration number and Identity Card.
- You shall be sponsored for jobs only after the confirmation of your provisional registration. You should invariably produce evidence of your identity while attending the employment exchange office.
- In case false information is provided, registration shall be cancelled forthwith.